Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Harry Taylor is my hero

I am difficult to please. More often than not when I see someone advocate for ideas that I agree with, I get frustrated with the way they do it.

Trust me, I know how obnoxious that sounds. Here I am, safely living my life...rarely making an effort to publicly stand up for the issues that I feel passionately about. Who the hell am I to criticize when someone stands up for something?

It's just that I get so tired of people exaggerating the debates. There is a tendency in activists to make their point by underlining the ridiculousness of the other side's point...the thing is, the other side's opinion usually isn't ridiculous. There is often some merit to be found in both sides. I have always believed that the most persuasive debaters honestly acknowledge the strengths in their opponents arguments. They can then clearly show why their position is stronger.

I really believe that the public is more than aware when they are being fed theater instead of facts. I also believe that are less likely to respect you and your cause when they recognize the theater. It's patronizing. My case for the cause I believe in is ultimately weakened by someone else's bad dramatic protest.

Every now and then, though, I come across something like the clip below. This man (Harry Taylor) speaking up at a public event is clear, eloquent, polite and respectful...even as he rips the President a new one. I am proud to be on his side.

I can only hope that if presented with the same opportunity, I would have the courage and ability to do the same thing.

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