Guess what I did last night? Christmas is in a few days so some reasonable guesses might be: Clean the house, bake cookies, wrap presents, make pudding out of some figgys. Any of those are things I should have been doing last night.
Instead, I was rebuilding one of my computers. We will put aside any questions you might have about the statement "one of my computers" because, seriously, have you met me? Of course I have more than one computer at home. No, we will focus on the sad, sick computer in my house. Why was it sick, you ask? Because I had a virus. Shocking, I know. With all of my computer repairing wizardry, I too can be felled by the work of some l33t speaking punk in China.
This would be the point where you are probably wondering how said virus found it's way around my anti-virus program. (insert Ozzy Osbourne style mumbling here...)
...I'm sorry, you couldn't hear me? I was saying that I wasn't actually using an anti-virus program on that computer. Yes, I am hanging my head in shame. Yes, I have lectured you in the past on the importance of using an AV program all the time. Oops.
I suppose this is where you are thinking that at least it was easy to rebuild because I certainly had a recent backup handy. No one talks about backing up regularly more than I do, right? Ummmm, yeah. I've been meaning to, really. I've just been so busy lately and I ran out of spare hard drives around the house and I've been wanting to do some work on that computer before I backed it up and ummmm...oh, hush!
I am my own worst client and a cautionary tale. At least I totally learned my lesson this time. (no I didn't)
P.S. What is figgy pudding, anyways?
Figgy pudding is like a steamed fruit cake. Love it served with custard, mmmmm.
I love my Mac ;~)
We have a LOT of computers in our house. Only a couple of them are regularly backed up. :\
All the important data gets backed up, but if anything happened to our kitchen iMac, I would have to restore it from scratch.
Steamed fruit cake? Really? That sounds...interesting :)
Thanks Hope. Glad to know that I'm not the only techie that cuts a corner or two.
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