Monday, July 27, 2009

Things I learned at San Diego Comic-Con 2009

1. Tim Burton really knows how to promote a movie at Comic-Con...viral geek-style!


2. Geeks are too smart to fall for the "if you don't wait in the long line around the corner, you won't get in" shtick. We know if we gather in large, unwashed quantities you will let us in just to make us go away.


3. We do not take well to change and will protest your overuse of y's with cleverly worded t-shirts. Take that!


4. Booth designers have a thing to learn if they think they can put a Sword of Power within our reach and we won't touch it. Adding a sign that almost dares us to touch it does not help.


5. It is possible to blend pop culture reference just a tad too much.


6. Felicia Day is too damn cool. To be fair I didn't learn this at the Con, but it's worth repeating.


7. We are surprisingly unphased by freaky, Clockwork Orange style experiments happening in our midst...hell we'll stand in line to participate if there is a free bag in it for us.


8. If you don't own the costume, the costume will own you.


9. It's all about the company!


Good times, can't wait for 2010.

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