For one, zoos are just fun. It is a whole place dedicated to learning and play...what could be cooler than that. I so enjoy science, especially behavioral sciences that I could spend hours watching the animals interact with each other and trying to figure out what it all means.
The LA Zoo is extra special for me, though. I feel like I grew up there. I can remember visiting as a kid and loving it. As a teenager, I went to high school there and trust was absolutely as fun as it sounds. We took classes and did research in front of animal exhibits, we got into areas that weren't open to the public, and I even got to touch a giraffe once.
As an adult, I am of course a member. If you find me bored on a Saturday afternoon, odds are I will head out to the zoo to take pictures. I was even able to do a programming project for work in one of the new about coming full circle. I love that as a grown-up, I can still have such a fun kid-like time there. As the responsibilities and problems of the world press down on us, everyone needs a place they can go to be a kid again.
Now I only wish they still sold those great animal shaped french fries! On a hot summer day I can still taste them...dipped in a cherry icee of course.

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