1. Val Kilmer's career is heading in the wrong direction. It's never good to be the saddest looking flyer on the table.

2. I have mad love for anyone who grabs 4 of their buddies and spends the day wandering the floor like this:

3. Cat Woman will flirt with anyone. Sorry Seth.

4. I am surprisingly more tolerant of someone coming dressed as Sarah Palin then as Snookie. I might have been a tad too snarky to "Snookie". Sorry "Snookie".

5. We've come a long way baby. Princess Leia's spotted in gold bikinis = 1. Gladiator guys spotted in male equivalent gold bikinis = 3. The times they are a changin.

6. Little orange price stickers do not make this family friendly.

7. Forget the bad boys...I'll take a snarky comic any day. Watching Scott Adsit from "30 Rock" trade fanboy love with the entire cast of "Community" was a total highlight!

8. Designing your toy to have interchangeable heads may sound cool on paper, but when it gets into the packaging it's just creepy.

9. Someone finally got smart and created the best both swag ever. Those of us stuck in line with the unwashed masses, thank you.

10. Stan Lee is the "Brad Pitt" of the Comic-Con world...complete with entourage, massive security and huge crowds trying to get his attention. I love that when he came through the lobby, everyone gasped and knew exactly who he was.

11. Pink tulle Vader robe, check. Sparkly mask with tiara, check. Mini light-saber, check. It is a miracle that I didn't stick her in my massive SyFy bag and take her home with me.

Another year survived, already looking forward to 2011....Cheers!