I guess a good place to start would be Alaska, since the last time anyone heard from me I was heading there. I could go on and on about the details, but yawn. Instead I'm putting out a call for anyone who can identify an oddity that I spotted while in the Inside Passage.
From a distance I spotted this:

I couldn't quite tell what it was until we got a bit closer and zoomed in on this:

It is a huge house built on a barge. Definitely not your standard houseboat! It was being pulled by this little tugboat and my favorite part was it seemed to be towing it's own little guest house here:

I just know there is a fun story here if I could only track it down. Some clever retiree that figured out a tax loophole if he only spent so much time tethered to land... or ... some famous recluse that found the wilds of Alaska too populated for him so he took to the sea.
Someone out there knows the story here...please share.